Telling the UMBC Story

Our team connects the stories and talents of UMBC students, faculty, staff, and alumni with the world beyond campus through expert planning and execution of creative communications, branding, visual design, marketing, and relationship development strategies.

Brand Identity and Content

Brand identity is more than a logo or marketing tool. It is who we are, what we say, and how we act. It is how we describe ourselves, and what we want others to think about us.  The flagship publication of the campus brand is UMBC Magazine. UCM also offers a detailed Brand and Style Guide including official logos and templates and provides ongoing information and support for brand ambassadors throughout the campus.


Our Communications team crafts messages and stories that build UMBC’s reputation through traditional and new media. This includes a strategic partnership with The Conversation, which has generated more than nine million reads for articles written by over 100 UMBC faculty, republished in publications around the world. Help us share your news and research most effectively by connecting with us early about work that is in progress.

Let’s Get Started

  • I need a design. Creative Services can help guide you through your options.
  • Help me extend the UMBC brand. Marketing and communications holds trainings throughout the year in website management, and offers guidance in social media strategy and UMBC styles and grammar
  • Share my story. Keep the Communications team looped in on what is happening in your division so we can help share stories of impact and community. See the UMBC News website for details on how you can connect with the Communications team to share story ideas through news articles, popular and trade press, social media, and more.